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Hi. I'm Brother George, the host of Bible Made Easy Podcast and author of the articles on this site. Thanks for listening to my podcast and visiting my site.

I've been a believer since I was a child and a committed and active Christian since my teens. In 1980, when I was 19, God called me to "Go in to all the world and preach the Gospel to every creature." Mark 16:15 So, I left my old life behind to become a full time missionary. Here's a timeline of my missionary life and activities.

1980-1981: Australia
Travelled around with other young missionaries sharing the Gospel with young people wherever they were, downtown, in shopping areas, in parks, etc leading many, many to new life in Jesus.

1981-1984: Indonesia
Jakarta, Surabaya, Malang and all over eastern Indonesia. Bible studies, Christian radio show promotion, gospel literature distribution, guitarist and vocalist for gospel music concerts in schools, hotels, restaurants, etc. Evangelistic visits to neighboring countries, Singapore, Malaysia and Thailand.

1984-1986: Denmark
Copenhagen. Staff member of missionary base for outreach trips to communist Poland. Also, evangelistic trips to Norway, Sweden, Netherlands, Germany and Austria.

1986- : Japan
Osaka, Kyoto, Hiroshima, Fukuoka, Kita Kyushu and all over western Japan from Tokyo to Okinawa. Bible studies, gospel literature distribution, feeding the homeless, gospel musician and worship leader, charity concert organizer and musician, ministering to orphans, teacher at mission schools, leader at Christian youth camps. Evangelizing also in South Korea, Taiwan and Hong Kong. Occasional writer for Activated Magazine, etc.

I've been studying and teaching the Bible for over 40 years now in many different countries. It has been quite a journey. I've seen God's word change many lives for the better. I'm sure it can do the same for you.

-Brother George